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"As students engage with higher functioning teaching and learning following the reversal of low level disruption in part 1, part 2 introduces higher levels of study to sustain their engagement."
With over 9000 hours of teaching and learning regained per average sized secondary school, (time that low level disruption used to take away from teaching and learning), part 2 begins with an easy to understand - and verify - overview of human behaviour (see video).
It is designed to provide a new - and immediately verifiable - way of seeing and explaining human actions throughout history, each of which can be studied and learned from.
Students quickly identify that:
Part 1 of the Return to Learning strategy provides them with an example of this level of thinking in action.
At this stage, part 2 is increasing the reduction of internal conflict, or wellbeing, with knowledge, but already the signs of a new curriculum are beginning to form:
Part 2 can also be used to introduce topics for study (see below) in Part 3 of the strategy in addition to providing the foundation for all topics chosen by teachers.
For schools wishing to study part 2 in more detail study materials describing the history of low level disruption (often referred to as the 'human condition') are available, including the fields of:
based on the work of those listed below.
Above all, part 2 of the Return to Learning strategy endeavours to move forward understanding of ourselves, leading the way for part 3 to develop a balanced co-operative and competitive curriculum with accompanying benefits for society.
Both parts of the strategy are available using the time low level disruption used to take away from teaching and learning.
Please note:
This list depicts the true spirit of science subjecting ALL relevant and available data to scrutiny.
Robin Aitken, Richard Alexander, Robin Allott, Evelyn Ames, Claudine André, Bryan Appleyard, Robert Ardrey, Berhane Asfaw, Francis Bacon (artist), Frances Bacon (philosopher), Alison and Noel Badrian, Charles Baudelaire, Samuel Beckett, Barbara Bell, Dmitri Belyaev, Nikolai Berdyaev, Harold J. Berman, Chuck Berry, Bruno Bettelheim, Charles Birch, Richard J. Bird, William Blake, Allan Bloom, Harold Bloom, Ben Blount, Christophe Boesch, David Bohm, Christopher Booker, Gen. Omar Bradley, Jacob Bronowski, Sir Thomas Browne, Robert Burns, Ita Buttrose, Lord Byron, Jeremy Campbell, Albert Camus, Brian Carlton, Nick Carr, Michael Carr-Gregg, David Chalmers, Raymond Chandler, Tracy Chapman, Bruce Chatwin, G.K. Chesterton, Christ, Agatha Christie, Manning Clark, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Robert Coles, Joseph Conrad, Ronald Conway, Ann Coulter, Jerry Coyne, John D’Emilio, Roald Dahl, Dalai Lama, Anthony Daniels, Dante, Sir James Darling, Charles Darwin, Paul Davies, Richard Dawkins, Frans De Waal, Joe Delaney, James Delingpole, Daniel Dennett, Jacques Derrida, René Descartes, Benjamin Disraeli, Maureen Dowd, Henry Drummond, Andrea Dworkin, Wayne Dyer, Bob Dylan, Albert Einstein, Loren Eisley, George Eliot, T.S Eliot, Lei Feng, Marilyn Ferguson, Niall Ferguson, John Fiske, M.V Flinn, Benjamin Y. Fong, Dian Fossey, Roger Fouts, Sigmund Freud, Barbara Fruth, Stephen Fry, Francis Fukuyama, Richard Buckminster Fuller, Frank Furedi, Mahatma Gandhi, Bob Geldof, Nikki Gemmell, Kahlil Gibran, Johann Goethe, Jane Goodall, Francisco Goya, Antonio Gramsci, John Gray, Thomas Gray, Germaine Greer, Jeremy Griffith, William Hamilton, Brian Hare, Harry F. Harlow, Kristen Hawkes, Stephen Hawking, Richard Heinberg, Werner Heisenberg, Ernest Hemingway, Daniel Henninger, Hesiod, Andrew Hill, Eric Hobsbawm, Gottfried Hohmann, Homer, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Ross Horne, Robert Hughes, Victor Hugo, Nicholas Humphrey, Aldous Huxley, Thomas Huxley, Genichi Idani, Hiroshi Ihobe, David Ireland, Oliver James, Arthur Janov, Billy Joel, Carl Jung, Takayoshi Kano, Immanuel Kant, Stuart Kauffman, Sir Arthur Keith, Walt Kelly, Karl Kessler, Søren Kierkegaard, Martin Luther King Jr., Arthur Koestler, Melvyn Konner, Robert Kronemeyer, Thomas Kuhn, Suehisa Kuroda, Kwang-Tze, R.D. Laing, Frank Lake, Frans Lanting, Phillip Larkin, D H Lawrence, Penelope Leach, Richard Leakey, John Lennon, Roger Lewin, Jean Liedloff, Konrad Lorenz, Claude Owen Lovejoy, Martin Luther, Tim Macartney-Snape, Eugène Marais, John Marsden, Elizabeth Marshall Thomas, Lorna Marshall, John Martin, Karl Marx, Robert Matthews, Lord Robert May, Mary McCarthy, Betty McCollister, Clancy McKenzie, Mencius, Michelangelo, John Stuart Mill, Cesar Millan, Spike Milligan, John Milton, Steven Mithen, Ashley Montagu, Michael Moore, Alanis Morissette, Jim Morrison, Moses, Cynthia Moss, Muhammad (prophet), Mbangi Mulavwa, Edvard Munch, Thomas Nagel, Erich Neumann, Richard Neville, Friedrich Nietzsche, Toshisada Nishida, John Julius Norwich, Maureen O’Hara, George Orwell, Camille Paglia, Amy Parish, Blaise Pascal, Alan Paton, Pericles, Jordan Peterson, Melanie Phillips, Pablo Picasso, David Pilbeam, Steven Pinker, Max Planck, Plato, Michael J Plavcan, Joyce Poole, Pope Benedict XVI, Alexander Pope, Karl Popper, Dr. Weston Price, Ilya Prigogine, Prometheus, Prof. Harry Prosen, Rod Quantock, Ayn Rand, Wilhelm Reich, Gay Reinartz, Mirella Ricciardi, Renée Richards, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Bertrand Russell, Gilbert Ryle, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Tetsuya Sakamaki, J.D Salinger, Jo Sandin, Jean-Paul Sartre, Sue Savage-Rumbaugh, Allan Savory, Arthur Schopenhauer, Olive Schreiner, Erwin Schrödinger, Adolph H Schultz, John Searle, George Seaver, William Shakespeare, George Bernard Shaw, Dame Daphne Sheldrick, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Barbara Smuts, Jan Smuts, Socrates, Andrew Solomon, King Solomon, Sophocles, Pitirim Sorokin, Craig Stanford, Ralph Steadman, John Steinbeck, Gloria Steinem, Isabelle Stengers, Robert Louis Stevenson, Shirley Strum, Randall Susman, Robert Sussman, Gen Suwa, Jonathan Swift, David Tacey, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Lord Alfred Tennyson, Hunter S. Thompson, Alain Tixer, Alvin Toffler, Leo Tolstoy, Charles H Townes, J.M.W. Turner, Rudolph Valentino, Laurens Van der Post, Alfred Russel Wallace, Simone Weil, Carl von Weizsäcker, Mae West, Morris West, Geoffrey Wheatcroft, Frances White, Tim White, A.N Whitehead, George Williams, David Wilson, E.O. Wilson, D.W. Winnicott, Victoria Wobber, Giday Wolde Gabriel, Vanessa Woods, William Wordsworth, Richard Wrangham, Robert Yerkes, Milo Yiannopoulos, Adrienne Zihlman.
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